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Brits Airfield Bids Farewell to 2023 In True Bushveld Style

By Garth Calitz

Brits Airfield has always been known as one of the most accommodating airfields in the Gauteng/ North West area and as 2023 drew to a close they once again lived up to the reputation.

On Friday 29 December a few EAA Chapter 322 members flew out to Tranquillity Spa Lodge for a quick breakfast, while they were there they decided to organise a fly-in for the last day of the year. Karl Jensen called up the wonderful people at Brits and they quickly obliged, the word was put out on social media and all the relevant Whatsapp Groups.

When I arrived at Brits on Sunday morning at around eight I was pleasantly surprised to see many aircraft already on the ground and as always Brits had gone the extra mile to welcome everyone. A buffet breakfast was ready for the pilots and passengers and of course, coffee was available.

The weather gods were playing nice and delivered perfect fling weather, as one visiting pilot said “If you not out flying today you don’t have access to a plane or your plane is broken”

Visitors came from all over Gauteng and by the end of the day we had seen almost fifty aircraft arriving. As usual, the EAA regulars made up the bulk of the visitors, they were joined by a large contingent of aircraft based at The Coves. Krugersdorp was also well represented with the Lastrucci brothers both arriving in their stunningly restored Piper Cruisers.

At midday the weather took a bit of a turn with some nasty thunderstorms showing their nasty faces over towards the South East, this was a cue for all the remaining pilots to get out before they arrived. Fortunately, the threatening Charlie Barvos never arrived but they did however clear the airfield in record time with some interesting formation departures.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and prosperous 2024 may there be many successful take-offs and landings in the New Year, see you all at the next event.

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