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Celebrating 80 Years Since The Formation of SAAFA

The South African Airforce Association (SAAFA), which has been around since 1945 to help out former Airmen and Airwomen, is gearing up to celebrate its 80th anniversary starting in January 2025. They'll be hosting events all year long to honour and look back on their history.

This awesome cause brings aviation lovers together in a fun and relaxed setting, while also encouraging them to help out former SAAF members and their spouses who are in need.

SAAFA National President & Vice President: L-R: Trevor Slade & Bill de Pinho
SAAFA National President & Vice President: L-R: Trevor Slade & Bill de Pinho

SAAFA, through the participation of its members:

  • Maintains and fosters friendship and camaraderie among all its members and persons eligible for membership;

  • Provides support for, and takes care of, the general well-being of needy members in the true spirit of benevolence;

  • Perpetuates the memory of, and commemorates, those who have given their lives in the service of their country; and

  • Promotes the interests, image, and heritage of the South African Air Force Association, the South African Air Force, and the members of both organisations.

If you're currently in the South African Airforce (SAAF) or have served as a permanent member, in the citizen force, on contract, or with any Allied Air Force, you're welcome to join this diverse group of like-minded individuals.

SAAFA has branches all over Southern Africa in spots like Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Durban, East Rand (Benoni), Johannesburg, Kimberley, Lower South Coast (Margate), Laeveld (Hoedspruit), Namibia (Windhoek), Outeniqua (George/Knysna), Pietermaritzburg, Port Alfred, Port Elizabeth, Pretoria, Weskus (Langebaan/Vredenburg), and Whale Coast (from Rooi Els along the coast to Pearly Beach).

There are strong SAAFA groups in both Dubai, UAE, and Shenzhen, China. Plus, the SA Korean War Veterans Association is linked to SAAFA as one of its branches.

Joining as a member gives you the chance to dive into all sorts of fun activities and treat yourself to some great dining experiences. You can join in on raffles, sports events, special trips, and regular lunches where you might meet and chat with well-known folks from the aviation and business worlds. There are events like golf, horse racing, bowls, and "Fly-in-Braai" days, plus fundraising events and loads of other exciting stuff organized by the various Branches.

Members can rock the exclusive SAAFA tie, blazer badge, and other cool insignia, plus join in all the SAAFA activities happening at the Branch level. They're also encouraged to dive into the Association's awesome ongoing projects. SAAFA looks out for its less fortunate members and their families, offering support for their well-being. Any funds raised go straight to supporting the Care of the Aged programs.

History of SAAFA

Colonel Rod Douglas, a veteran pilot from the 1914/18 Great War, established the Christmas Cheer Fund in 1943 while serving as a senior staff officer at SAAF Headquarters. This Fund guaranteed that all SAAF squadrons and units stationed abroad would enjoy a lavish lunch or dinner on Christmas Day. Generous contributions to this initiative came from SAAF units remaining in South Africa.

Colonel Douglas, having observed the aftermath of World War I and the hardships endured by widows, children and demobilized airmen, was determined to prevent these issues from resurfacing after World War II. With this goal in mind, he gathered like-minded airmen to establish what would become the South African Air Force Association. As the founder and first National President, Colonel Douglas played a pivotal role in guiding the Association through its formative years.

The inaugural SAAFA meeting convened at the Inanda Country Club in Johannesburg on 26 January 1945, a date now celebrated as the Association's founding. At an Executive meeting on 24 April 1945, Branches in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria, Benoni, and Windhoek received approval. The first annual National Congress took place in Johannesburg on 15 June 1946.

The Air Force Fund was created during the War to raise money to donate "Spitfire" aircraft to the Royal Air Force. Once hostilities ceased, any remaining funds were distributed to Branches and the RAF Benevolent Fund. The Association confidently managed these funds on behalf of the Air Force Fund to provide support to 1939/45 SAAF veterans in need.

Memorial housing, designed as apartment blocks, was built in Pretoria, Johannesburg, and Cape Town. These apartments were specifically allocated to former SAAF personnel in need, offering them accommodation at below-market rents. The management of these apartments remains under the oversight of the three Branches through a Board of Directors.

In line with the Association's recommendation, the first Air Force Memorial was built at the entrance of Waterkloof Air Force Station in 1957. However, the location proved unsuitable for several reasons. As a result, the Association proposed the establishment of a National Air Force Memorial and committed to funding half of the total costs. Completed in 1963, the remarkable Air Force Memorial now proudly stands on Bays Hill, overlooking the former Swartkop Air Force Station, now known as the Air Force Mobile Deployment Wing.

Sydney Fryer's article for the SAAF Association highlights that the memorial was expertly crafted to embody a shape symbolizing flight, visible from both the ground and the air. This was achieved by designing the structure with three wings that house the accommodation, a small non-denominational chapel for family services, a caretaker’s office, and a machine room for the fountain pump and filter plant, each featuring its own folded slab roof. These wings converge over a central hall that contains a Cenotaph, Rolls of Honour, and illuminated scripts.

The Cenotaph, the centrepiece of the design, proudly showcases three sides that display the SAAF motto, "Per Aspera Ad Astra," alongside two biblical quotes. The SAAF Memorial stands as a vibrant monument, continually receiving upgrades and enhancements. The surrounding gardens have significantly expanded, and access roads and parking areas have been strategically modified to optimize traffic flow during Memorial Days.

After apartheid ended in 1994 and various air forces merged into the new South African Air Force, the memorial was recognized as unrepresentative of the relevant history because it excluded certain groups. As a result, a Commemorative Stone with an Eternal Flame was created and placed at the centre of the main entrance walkway to the SAAF Memorial. This stone honours the forces that formed the new SA Air Force, including the Azanian Peoples Liberation Army (Armed Wing of the PAC), Bophuthatswana Air Force, Ciskei Defence Force Air Wing, Umkhonto We Sizwe (Armed Wing of the ANC), SA Air Force, Transkei Defence Force Air Wing, and Venda Defence Force Air Wing.


  • Lt Gen A.M. Muller, SSAS, SD, SM, SALM (Retired)

  • Lt Gen W.H. Hechter, SSAS, SD, SM, MMM, SALM (Retired)

  • Lt Gen R.J. Beukes, SD, SM, MMM, SALM (Retired)

  • Hon Col B.E. Hersov, DMS, JCM, LLD (hc) (Rhodes), MA (Cantab)

  • Lt Gen C. Gagiano, SM, SAAF (Retired)

  • Lt Gen F.Z.Msimang, psc (j), ensp, SAAF (Retired)

  • Lt Gen W.S. Mbambo, psc (j), ensp, SAAF, Chief of the Air Force


National President Trevor Slade

National Vice President Bill de Pinho

National Office Marianne Mostert

SAAF/SAAFA/MAAC Liaison/PRO Marthie Visser

Finance Carol Havenga

Constitution/MoA/Records Mike Louw

Membership/Marketing Johan Pentz

Benevolence Trevor Slade

National Medical Liaison Bill de Pinho

Memorial Services Renier Feldtmann

Remembrance/Heritage Bruce Harrison

Newsletter Roelf Rossouw

Kindred Organisations Mike Louw

Awards Jaap Rossouw

Regalia Marianne Mostert

Veteran Affairs Colin Bowring

Webmaster/Social Media Koos van Rensburg

The theme for SAAFA 80th: “Our Legacy”

“A legacy built upon the primary fundamentals of the association that being; benevolence, friendship, camaraderie, in understanding, and support to aviation in general and military aviation heritage.”

The message for SAAFA 80th: “80 is a significant milestone in life, symbolizing strength, wisdom, and endurance. Our association’s focus has been and will continue to be the well-being of our members, as well as celebrating the memory of those who have gone before us. It has grown from strength to strength ensuring that the heritage of the Air Force has endured the ever-changing times. This is in no small part due to the wisdom and dedication of its members. Let us come together and celebrate this occasion with an enthusiasm we can be proud of.”

The slogan: “Be part of our Legacy”

The Emblem or Symbol:

The emblem as depicted is symbolic of a chalice encircling the lower part of the SAAFA Eagle which is in front of and lower than an elaborate 80 (for the 80th Celebration). The chalice holds the Legacy of SAAFA which stems from 1945 to 2025.



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