By Andre Venter
The Klipriver Fly-in was widely advertised and it was expected to attract many pilots and their aircraft, unfortunately, less-than-favourable weather predictions seemed to keep many would-be visitors at home. Sadly, the local Klippriver pilots didn’t seem to join in either with all their aircraft being left behind closed hangar doors, the fly-in would have been way more enjoyable for all if the locals brought out their aircraft for the visitors to see, after all, that is the idea of having a fly-in is to share our love for aviation.

A few committed people did turn out and they were treated to a small aerobatic display by the Hired Gun team, practising for their Parys Airshow which will be on 3 June.
The Klipriver Airfield is fairly well hidden and for people looking for it, it's a bit off the beaten track. It lies in the triangle with Tedderfield and Panorama.
An estimated twenty-nine aircraft are hangared in the six steel and corrugated Units.

A fairly strong breeze was pumping during the morning and it created a crosswind over the runways, I battled against the wind to get my spot to capture a few photographs of The aircraft landing.
No more than sixteen aircraft flew in for the morning and gradually left after something to drink and eat. First to arrive at a rather gloomy Klipriver Airfield were 2 microlight aircraft. Other aircraft started arriving soon afterwards
I was asked if I wanted to take to the skies in a Magni Gyro and I gladly accepted, was exactly dressed for the occasion. I was also asked to capture a few photographs of The Klipriver Airfield and of the aircraft that had flown in to support the club for the morning as well as the people who took the time to drive through to support the Klipriver Airfield team.
Comet Aviation supplies and Evans Aviation equipment were on-site showcasing their latest products they were joined by a host of vendors making sure the visitors were well-fed and hydrated, live music was organised to keep the blood pumping in the cold.
While on his way from Kitty Hawk Andreas Hohne was unceremoniously shot at while flying over the Suikerbos Reserve in his Titanium Auto Gyro (TAG). Andreas and a fellow Gyro pilot noticed a vehicle loading a poached antelope in the reserve, his efforts to get a closer look didn't go down too well with the poachers and they took a shot at him fortunately he wasn't hit. The TAG, now identifying as an attack helicopter, followed the vehicle from a safe altitude but was unable to effect an arrest I certainly hope these idiots are tracked down and brought to book.
Big thanks must go to Christo Smit and Michael Skinner for organising the event it is sad that so few aircraft were able to attend, if the aviation community don’t support this type of event soon there won't be any more to support.