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TECNAM P2010 Achieves FAA Certification

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has awarded full Type Certificate to the TECNAM P2010 TDI with the number A00066CE for Part 23 of the FAA Regulations.

The P2010 airframe, with its wide, composite, fuselage design and the all-metal wing and stabilator, has proven to be the perfect platform to match the Diesel engine performance and capabilities. The consolidated comfort, 3rd door back seat accessibility, safety and reliability of the “P Twenty-Ten” are now accompanied by the added efficiency granted by the use of Diesel/JetA1 fuel. This proven power plant technology attributes to the extremely low operating costs provided by the dual FADEC-controlled Continental engine.

The Continental Diesel 170 hp Turbocharged Engine joins the P2010 power plant options of the 180 hp Avgas/Mogas and 215 hp Avgas engine. This latest engine pairing brings the aviation market unbeatable fuel efficiency and performance: the Turbo Diesel/JetA1 power plant offers an outstanding cruise-fuel burn that ranges from 17 litres/hr at 55% power, to 27 litres/hr at 75% power. This provides consistent performance up to 8,000ft and allows operations up to 18,000ft, allowing the P2010 to “soar higher” (for which an optional oxygen system is available). The standard P2010 fuel tanks ensure an unrivalled range in excess of 1,000 NM and endurance of up to 12 hours, all monitored through the state-of-the-art standard Garmin G1000Nxi avionics package.

TECNAM and Continental are working on the latest improvement of Sustainable Aviation Fuel, for a real commitment for a greener future with SAF. “The addition of the Continental Diesel Engine is more proof that Tecnam is dedicated to the General Aviation Marketplace by providing safe, efficient, innovative aircraft for today’s pilots,” says Tecnam’s Director of Sales, David Copeland.

The TECNAM Engineering Team paid particular attention to maintaining the P2010 series design characteristics that provide: cabin comfort, low noise and minimal vibration. The GFC-700 autopilot with ESP Electronic Stability and Protection, which ensures smooth and precise autopilot operations in now included in the Standard Package, while some of the many options available include Premium Italian Leather interiors with electric seat and additional safety that can be provided by the Garmin GTS-800 TAS system.

The P2010 TDI is a culmination of all the very latest technologies, where Tecnam’s ability to manage both metal and composite components has shaped a unique solution in terms of efficiency, load-carrying structure and unique Italian style. The fuselage and vertical fin, entirely made of pre-peg carbon fibres, provide the best use of space, while wings, horizontal tail and rudder, as well as all the load-carrying structures, are built with 70 plus years of experience of light alloy structures.

Continental’s JetA1/Diesel-powered 170 HP engine offers ease of flying with its single-lever control, full FADEC, electronic engine monitoring and redundant safety features. The CD-170 is the newest design and also the highest-horsepower engine in the CD-100 series, well-proven with more than 7,500 engines delivered and over 8.5 million service flight hours.

Tecnam’s Managing Director, Giovanni Pascale says: “The FAA certification of the P2010 Tdi marks a significant milestone for the Tecnam US Market, the availability of Jet A1 in every airport makes our four-seater the ideal machine for cross-country mission and efficient flight training.”



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