The Gran Lusso is a super luxury version with refined Italian leather upholstery, carbon fibre insets and an all-new centre FADEC power quadrant that features a Standard FMS to accompany the Garmin NXI touch screen avionics suite. The Gran Lusso features the Continental 170hp Turbo Charged CD-170 Jet/A fuel Power plant by Continental and incorporates improved cabin ergonomics for an unprecedented ultimate luxury flying experience.

Designed by Tecnam “Centro Stile”, the P2010 Gran Lusso is a concentration of precious details and the highest comfort that brings Tecnam to showcase its innate Italian characteristics by combining virtuous craftsmanship, state-of-the-art technology, and sophisticated design. The fashionable and detailed interiors know no rival in the aviation industry, with their unique, detailed trimmings and stylish colour finishes.

Burning just less than 20 litres per hour, with roomy, Italian-style shaped cabin interiors, and taking advantage of the high-wing configuration with 3 access doors plus another dedicated one for the baggage compartment, is no longer a dream. And it is no longer a dream to cover 1,000nm with the full tank capacity of 240 litres.

The P2010 TDI Gran Lusso is added to the P2010 range: with three different power plants, and three different fuel capabilities: automotive unleaded approved on 180hp version, Avgas on the most powerful 215hp variant and Jet/diesel.

The P2010 Gran Lusso is a concentration of state-of-the-art technologies, where Tecnam’s capabilities to manage both metal and composite technologies have shaped a unique solution in terms of efficiency, load-carrying structure and unique Italian style: fuselage and vertical fin entirely made of pre-peg carbon fibre provide the best use of space, while wings, horizontal tail and rudder, as well as all the load-carrying structures, are built with 70 years experience of light alloy structures.

Flight safety is self-explanatory in the latest certification requirements followed by the electrically adjustable height, 26G-capable crash-worthy seats while the flying experience is the ultimate with the Garmin® G1000® NXi glass cockpit and GFCTM 707 autopilot, entirely integrated and tuned around the Continental CD-170, full FADEC and single-lever controlled engine.

Continentals Jet/diesel powered 170 HP engine offers ease of flying with its single lever, coupled with electronic engine monitoring and redundant safety features. The CD-170 is the newest design and also the highest-horsepower engine in the CD-100 series family, proven with more than 6,000 engines delivered and over 7.1 million service flight hours.

“Flying is a private experience. With the Gran Lusso this experience becomes even more intimate, where you can find all the level of luxury you deserve, and express the owner's personality at its best” says Tecnam’s USA Sales Director, David Copeland.